e.g: Grant


The conferences are part of the international project “Slavic Culture and Jewish culture: dialogue, similarities, differences”, implemented since 1995 in cooperation with the center for Slavic and Jewish Studies Of the Institute of Slavic studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with various scientific and public organizations interested in the dialogue of cultures.

List of the conferences

2020 "Concept of family in Slavic and Jewish cultural tradition» 

2012 Verbal and Scriptual in Slavic and Jewish cultures (Moscow, December, 2012) 

2011 «The Old» and «The New» in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (Moscow, December, 2011).

2010 Wisdom – Righteousness – Holiness in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (Moscow, December, 2010);

2009 Dialogue of Generations in the Context of Slavic and Jewish Cultural Traditions (2009);

2008 History – Myth – Folklore in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (2008);

2007 Sacred Space in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (2007);

2006 Popular Medicine and Magic in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (Moscow, December, 2006);

2005 Dreams and Visions in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (Moscow, December, 2005);

2004 Feast and Meal in the Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (Moscow, February, 2005);

2003 Festival – Rite – Ritual in the Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition (Moscow, December, 2003);

2002 Close or Alien? Jews and Slavs in Mutual Reception. X–XX Centuries (Moscow, November 2002);

2001 Between Two Worlds: Demonology in Jewish and Slavic Cultural Tradition (Moscow, November 2001);

2000 The Concept of Miracle as Reflected in Slavic and Jewish Tradition and Folk Culture (Moscow, November 2000);

1999 The Concept of Sin as Reflected in Slavic and Jewish Tradition and Folk Culture (Moscow, November 1999);

1997 From Genesis to Exodus. The Reflection of Biblical Motifs in Slavonic and Jewish Folk Culture (Moscow, October, 1997);

1995 The Creation of the World and the Beginning of Human History in Apocrypha and Folklore Traditions based on Slavic and Jewish texts (Moscow, December 1995);

The proceedings of the conferences are yearly published.

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